RMI highlights why Nigeria is the biggest mini-grid show on earth, with a US$8 billion annual revenue opportunity. It has the potential to electrify 14% of its population by building 10,000 mini-grids by 2023. https://www.powerforall.org/resources/fact-sheets-research-summaries/research-summary-nigeria-mini-grid-opportunity
Power for All and IRENA are partnering to explore gender dynamics in the DRE sector, a field ripe for increasing women's participation, as seen in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. https://www.powerforall.org/news-media/articles/empowering-women-distributed-renewable-energy
In late 2018, Power for All conducted the first comprehensive jobs census of the decentralized renewable energy (DRE) sector, covering pico-solar appliances, solar home systems, standalone and grid-tied commercial and industrial systems, mini-grids and productive use applications such as solar water pumps. This summary synthesizes key findings in the three countries surveyed -- India, Kenya and Nigeria. https://www.powerforall.org/resources/fact-sheets-research-summaries/research-summary-jobs-decentralized-renewables-and-energy-transition
Download the Powering Jobs Census 2019: Focus on Nigeria, to understand the growing employment opportunity within the decentralized renewable energy (DRE) sector, and within the communities gaining access to electricity for the first time. In Nigeria, direct, formal DRE jobs are expected to boom more than 10 times by 2022-23. https://www.powerforall.org/resources/reports/powering-jobs-census-2019-focus-nigeria
Decentralized renewables have the potential to create up to 52,000 direct, formal and 24,000 informal jobs in Nigeria by 2022-23. https://www.powerforall.org/news-media/press-releases/first-annual-energy-access-jobs-census-released-showing-large-employment-opportunity-1