The Platform for Energy Access Knowledge (PEAK) is an interactive information exchange platform designed to help aggregate and repackage the best research and information on energy access into compelling data-riven stories for a range of target audiences to ensure maximum visibility, usability and discoverability of that information by individuals, organizations and communities working to make energy services accessible to all.
PEAK curates and systematically organizes existing DRE data and reports on findings in this data to educate key energy access influencers.
Inventory and synthesis of key existing DRE information
Easy-to-use and ready-to-share content
Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and communication of findings
PEAK is a project partnership between Power for All and the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL). RAEL is a unique research, development and project implementation facility based at the University of California, Berkeley. RAEL focuses on the design and analysis of renewable and appropriate energy systems to support low carbon policy, planning and project development. The products of this partnership between research laboratory and campaign will provide and communicate critical evidence needed to support widespread adoption of distributed technologies.
Beyond being a portal for information access, PEAK will help synthesize and transform these large, growing bodies of data into digestible, sharable and useable knowledge. By transforming dense energy access reports and datasets into elegant, searchable and categorized insights that are easy to disseminate, PEAK enables countless benefits to the environment and climate, to increased development finance and to social impacts.
The knowledge management tool is an open-source and open-access portal that collects, scans, sorts and catalogues DRE relevant reports and published articles. The tool facilitates data discovery, visualization and exploration, thereby streamlining information resources available to users and connecting the wider DRE community.
National Policy
Rural Electrification
DRE Integrated Planning
Mini Grid Strategy