


102.4 million

Energy Access


People Without Electricity


From Obstacles to Opportunities: Ethiopia’s Movement Towards Diversity in Renewable Energy

The journey towards a diverse workforce in the renewable energy sector is filled with obstacles. However, thanks to the tireless work of organizations such as the Ethiopian Women in Energy Association (EWiEn) and SHEnergy, leaders like Lewam, and their collaborative partners, the vision of a sustainable and equitable future is increasingly within reach.

Campaign Updates: June 2023

In Ethiopia, Power For All has entered into a pivotal partnership with the Ethiopian Solar Energy Development Association (ESEDA). As part of this collaboration, Power For All is set to provide Technical Assistance to revise the customs handbook that was initially developed by ACE-TAF two years ago.

Financing and Knowledge Crucial for Ethiopia's Ambitious Energy Goals

In a country where 56 per cent of the population still has little or no access to electricity, achieving universal access in the next couple of years is an ambitious goal. This is, however, exactly what the Ethiopian government hopes to achieve by 2025 through a combination of grid and off-grid based solutions. To ensure this aspiration becomes reality, the country must increase financing for off-grid renewable energy solutions and find ways to boost knowledge and understanding of the sector.

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Powering Agriculture Ethiopia: Introduction of Development and Implementation Partners

Power for All organized a collaborative meeting among advocates of Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) at the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting aimed to bring together development and implementing partners and foundations working within the PURE space, to join forces on addressing obstructs and capacity needs to activate the PURE market potential in Ethiopia.

Campaign Update: March 2018

Power For All has kicked-off its next phase of work in support of Ethiopia's ground-breaking National Electrification Plan (NEP), which includes integrated energy planning, result-based approaches and incorporating technologies and business models that will help achieve the NEP’s decentralized renewable energy (DRE) access targets of 7.7 million households (35 percent of total households).

Tangible Benefits of Accelerating Electricity Access in Developing Countries Where 1 Billion Still Lack Power

New report urges greater use of decentralized renewable energy as quicker, less costly option, and reveals evidence of significant black carbon emission reductions