High-level Dialogue on Energy & The Food Systems Summit
Power for All CEO Kristina Skierka has been appointed by the United Nations to the Technical Working Group on Energy Access for September’s High-Level Dialogue on Energy. The overarching goal of the Dialogue will be to promote the implementation of the energy-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In addition, Kristina has been named as one of the champions of the United Nations 2021 Food Systems Summit. The Champions will work closely with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Agnes Kalibata, to kick start activities in the build-up to the Summit, including discussions on how to galvanize and build their networks to unleash ambitious new actions, innovative solutions, and plans to transform food systems in alignment with diverse local contexts.
Energy Catalyst
11th February 2021, Power for All CEO Kristina Skierka and Director of Communications Benson Kibiti led a training session tailored to companies that have received support through Energy Catalyst, a UK government-funded programme on media communications and how to navigate the media landscape and to best utilize the Energy Catalyst brand. The session also included an overview of how to conduct interviews and day-to-day media relations. To learn more about Energy Catalyst, click here https://energycatalyst.ukri.org/
Upcoming events
Webinar: Balancing Competition and Subsidy: Mini-grid Incentive Programs in Africa
What can we learn from countries trying to scale mini-grid deployment? With the capacity to power commercial and industrial loads and provide 24/7 service, mini-grids can bring a grid-like experience to places that are unlikely to be serviced with a reliable grid in the near future.
18th, February 2021, 09:00 AM Eastern Time, Sumaya Mahomed, Director of Power for All in Uganda will join other experts to share lessons from Africa in the latest report from the Energy Access Project at Duke – Balancing Competition and Subsidy: Mini-grid Incentive Programs in Africa. Click here to register https://bit.ly/3jo49vO
Unconvention 2021
17th -19th, February 2021, Power for All in partnership with Villgro, a social enterprise incubator will co-host a session on energy entrepreneurship in India during the Unconvention 2021, Villgro’s flagship annual convening. The three-day virtual convening will be packed with sessions, masterclasses, and numerous opportunities to network with top impact investors and businesses. Click here to register: https://villgro.org/unconvention/
Jharkhand Minigrid Policy & DRE Consultations
19th February 2021, Power for All with select stakeholders will give inputs on the draft Mini-grid Policy for the State organized by CEED India and Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (JREDA). On 26th February 2021, in partnership with the Jharkhand Energy Collective, Power for All will conduct a deep-dive discussion on the linkages between decentralized renewable energy (DRE) and water (access and usage).