
Africa's Agri-preneurs Summit 2019

The Africa's Agripreneurs Summit is a two-day conference bringing together all stakeholders in the African agri-business industry to not only share knowledge on the available market options but also train attendants on key value-addition ventures.

The theme of this year's summit is “tapping into alternative funding and export market options”. Other key topics include:

  1. Key value-addition and agro-processing options
  2. The relevance of emerging technologies in agri-business
  3. Post-harvest handling
  4. The role of youth in agri-business
  5. Alternative funding options
  6. Opportunities in export markets and standards
  7. High-value agro-ventures
  8. Combatting climate change agro-impacts
  9. Precision farming for profits
  10. Organic farming market opportunities


The conference will be followed by a practical field tour of profit-making farms that utilise modern technologies, with all delegates receiving hands-on training for running profitable farms. 

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