In Conversation with... Desh Deepak Verma

Power for All: “Can Uttar Pradesh and India achieve universal energy access without decentralized solutions?”

Mr. Verma: “My answer is a clear cut: no.”

In this Q&A, Desh Deepak Verma, Chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission—responsible for bringing power to over 200 million people—tells us how local communities are already championing clean energy mini-grids and why he is urging a shift to decentralized renewables.

The full interview can be found in this 10 minute audio.


Power for All: "Can Uttar Pradesh and India achieve universal energy access without decentralized solutions?"

Mr Verma: "My answer is a clear cut: no." 

In this Q&A, Mr Desh Deepak Verma, Chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission—responsible for bringing power to over 200 million people—tells us how local communities are already championing clean energy mini-grids and why he is urging a shift to decentralized renewables.

The full interview can be found in this 10 minute audio.

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