A snapshot of Smart Power India’s mini-grids in 3 states
Photo: Smart Power India

Video: Rural small business benefiting from reliable, quality mini-grids

This mini-grid in Uttar Pradesh isn’t serving a single home. Instead, it is providing power to over 80 small businesses and local entrepreneurs are seeing the pay-off

Developed by Husk Power Systems, a 54kW mini-grid (combining solar, biomass and storage) in Tamakuhi Raj village in Uttar Pradesh is delivering steady electricity supply to 84 micro-enterprises. This is the story of one entrepreneur — garment retailer Manoj Yadav — and the positive impact distributed renewable energy is having on his revenue and customer satisfaction.

Husk Power is one of several private energy service companies in the Smart Power India program funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. SPI currently has more than 100 mini-grids operating in 3 Indian states — Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Mini-grids operating under Smart Power India have experienced rises in operating profits year on year, in part due to growing demand from local enterprise.

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