25x25 Overview
The level of urgency for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 is far from what's needed to deliver success, and while many national governments have the political will to achieve universal electrification, they often lack the resources and capacity. 25x25 is a collaboration between Power for All, SNV, Hivos and Practical Action that aims to work with 25 countries to stimulate last-mile electrification markets and end energy poverty by 2025, hence "25x25".
Working hand-in-hand with governments, private sector, financiers and civil society, 25x25 will facilitate needed systems change and unlock needed policy and capital, which will in turn create market demand that allows companies to supply the benefits of SDG7 to poor, rural communities and drive opportunities for green growth, jobs and improved livelihoods. At the same time, 25x25 aims to increase resilience for climate-vulnerable communities and contribute significantly to mitigating harmful emissions from diesel and kerosene. By coming together, the four Collaborative partners will bring previously absent efficiency and economies of scale to the challenge, and leverage their complementary geographic reach and expertise