Fact Sheet: Mini-Grids in India: Mini-Grid Finance and Business Models

India has seen rising investment in mini-grids, which can help accelerate India’s universal energy access goals. In our second fact sheet on India mini-grids, we explore the different business models being deployed in India, with their successes and challenges.

4 insights on what’s next for India rural electrification

In 2019, India announced the completion of the Saubhagya Initiative, its program to provide electricity connections to every village and every home in the country. However, even though millions more are now connected, problems remain (and new ones have emerged), including unreliable supply of power, a lack of workforce capacity for utilities (DISCOMs) to serve an expanded customer base and additional stress of fiscal health.

Campaign update: January 2021

We supported Energy Catalyst to launch a new online energy access innovation community. In Uganda, we participated in Power Forum 2020 while in India, our team co-hosted the first meeting of the Jharkhand DRE collective. Also, learn how we're engaging with the UN Food Systems Summit & the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy, and participating in the ARE Technology & Innovation Forum.

India’s Union Budget 2022: What Does it Hold for Climate Action, Energy Access, and Rural Development?

On February 1, 2022, India’s Finance Minister, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, tabled the 2022-23 Union Budget in Parliament. Climate action and Productivity were among the four pillars shaping this year’s budget. This article highlights some of the provisions in the budget that present opportunities to strengthen climate action alongside rural development and productivity.

A shift from energy access to development is transforming the decentralized renewable energy market in India: CLEAN

A new report by Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN) shows that the decentralized renewable energy (DRE) sector in India continues to see growth in enhancing energy access, especially in rural communities where it is experiencing maximum impact thereby aiding economic and social growth.

Campaign update: February 2021

Our CEO has been appointed to the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy and named as Food Systems Summit champion. Also, learn about the upcoming Utilities 2.0 webinar on lessons from Africa in the latest report from Duke University's Energy Access Project, how we’re participating in India's Unconvention 2021 and promoting multi-stakeholder action in Jharkhand state, and a training session for Energy Catalyst companies on media communications.

India’s Decentralized Renewable Energy Enterprises Show Resilience Amid COVID -19 Pandemic

Clean Network has recently published the State of the Sector report, and it shows that the Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) sector in India, with policy and financing support, is poised to bounce back from the sluggish growth of the past year.

Research Summary: Sad State of Support for Distributed Energy in India

Power for All partner IISD produces exceptional analysis focused on energy subsidies worldwide through its Global Subsidies Initiative. New data reveals that India’s government is giving short shrift to decentralized renewables when handing out energy subsidies. In fact, less than 1% of all subsidies go to distributed renewables, IISD discovered in a new report, India's Energy Transition: Mapping energy subsidies to fossil fuels and clean energy in India.

Video: Mini-grids increase rice processing output for rural Indian women by 100x

The Smart Power India (SPI) initiative has electrified 8 villages in Jharkhand state with green mini-grids. Women who earn a living from processing rice are now using electric hullers and fans to hull and winnow rice, and the impact has been huge: the amount of rice hulled daily has increased 100x from 20kg to 2,000kg.