In Conversation With Abhishek Jain, CEEW

A new report by India's leading energy access research organization looks at how to boost rural incomes through innovation in distributed clean energy, and the $50 billion opportunity for new livelihood appliances.

Improved access to finance can boost electricity access for rural healthcare in India

Electricity is a basic infrastructure requirement for any healthcare unit. But in developing geographies like India and some East African countries, not all healthcare institutions have access to electricity. As per government records, 50% of sub-centres in some states of India were not connected to the grid. Non-government hospitals that serve the hinterlands often must rely on diesel generators owing to voltage fluctuations and outages that sometimes last for weeks. While renewable energy (RE) technology is available, it requires capital investments which many institutions do not have. Thus, access to clean electricity also includes access to affordable finance.

Interview with Dhruba Purkayastha: The Future of Distributed Renewable Energy in India

In this episode of the Power for All podcast, Divya Kottadiel speaks with Dhurba Purkayastha, who leads the team at CPI in developing innovative finance and policy solutions in support of the government's renewable energy and green growth plans. He is also the director of US India Clean Energy Finance. The conversation centres around CPI’s recent report on the future of distributed renewable energy in India, which outlines the benefits and market potential of India's DRE sector, examines the current policy and institutional landscape and provides tailored recommendations for various stakeholders.

Power for All Releases Distributed Renewable Energy Job Report-Focus on India

Power for All presents the second edition of the Powering Jobs Census and notes that India is set to see gains in employment in the next two years, while facing challenges in rural and peri-urban areas.

Video: 1 Million Technicians by 2025

Schneider Electric has pledged to train 1 million people as renewable energy technicians by 2025. This video explains their Access to Energy effort and their success so far in training more than 100,000. In October last year, Schneider signed an MoU with India to establish a center to train trainers and to setup not less than 100 vocational centers to train, in particular, unemployed youth in the field of energy management and solar energy. In April 2017, they also set up a training center in Ivory Coast. For more perspective, also check out our previous interview with Schneider's Thomas Andre on the need for capacity building.

Forging Better Lives with Solar in India

Blacksmiths and other craftsmen in rural India—with the help of distributed solar power, local financing yet minimal innovation—are creating a path to better livelihoods with the support of SELCO Foundation.

Campaign Update: February 2020

Our CEO Kristina Skierka was named as African Power and Energy Elites 2020 and we conducted a masterclass on marketing and communications for sector companies at the India Energy for All Summit 2020. Also learn about our participation at the Global Off-Grid Solar Forum in Nairobi.

Factsheet: Solarizing Rural Health Centers in India

As of 2019, 4.3% of India’s rural Primary Health Centres (PHCs) did not have access to electricity. While the upfront cost of a solar system is high for most PHCs, displacing diesel generators with a solar system can save 80% of a health centers’ energy costs while bringing many benefits in improved healthcare services.

2022 #PoweringJobs Census 2022: Focus on India

Join us on 27 September 2022 at 11:00 am IST as we launch the findings of the 2022 #PoweringJobs Census 2022: Focus on India.

Video: India Energy Access Mini Film Series

Below is a series of thematic videos from India that highlight some of the leading work being done across the sector: