In Conversation with Dr. Chetan Singh Solanki

A team at the India Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai has pioneered a new solar electric cookstove for India. Can it bring the two sides of SDG7—clean cooking and electricity access—together? Power for All spoke with team leader, Dr. Chetan Singh Solanki, about a village pilot under way, and the potential to scale.

Campaign Update: January 2020

We participated in the launch of the Sustainable Energy Jobs Platform at the IRENA’s 10th General Assembly in Abu Dhabi. Also learn about our participation in upcoming events in India and Nairobi.

Going beyond the grid: The future of distributed energy in India

Distributed renewable energy has a major role in enhancing energy access and sustainable development in India. However, it is yet to realize even a small fraction of its potential.

Powering Jobs Census 2022: Focus on India

Download the Powering Jobs Census 2022: Focus on India, to understand the growing employment opportunity within the decentralized renewable energy (DRE) sector and to learn how the sector's job growth bounced back from the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.