Multi-Billion Dollar Africa-India Partnership Aims to Eradicate Electricity Poverty

As this CNBC Africa interview with Power for All shows, the pieces are falling into place for an important collaboration between India and Africa to end energy poverty. The stakes are high, as sub-Saharan Africa and India account for over 80 percent of the world’s 1.1 billion unelectrified.
India and Africa to end energy poverty. India account for over 80 percent of the world’s 1.1 billion unelectrified…

The best energy access video ever?

Judge for yourself. Watch and learn about the inspirational work by Global Himalayan Expedition in the remotest parts of India
India Global Himalayan Expedition is part of the Global Shapers, a World Economic Forum initiative And here’s a great photo as well…

How distributed solar power is improving healthcare delivery in rural India

Over 28,000 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) serve as the backbone of public healthcare in rural India. Yet access to quality care is still a serious issue, since PHCs are often too under-staffed, under-financed, under-equipped, or under-serviced to be able to provide round-the-clock care.
Over 28,000 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) serve as the backbone of public healthcare in rural India. India

With a Few Tweaks, India Can Lead Rural Electrification With Real-Time Data and Smarter Metrics

India’s Draft National Energy Policy, published by NITI Aayog on June 27, proposes to change the national definition of village electrification. The change would only consider a village fully electrified if all households enjoy adequate hours of power supply on a typical day.
India’s Draft National Energy Policy, published by NITI Aayog on June 27, proposes to change the national definition of village electrification…

24x7 Power is About Access, Not Electrification

India currently reports 99.4% electrification, yet there are 304 million people who still lack access to electricity according to the recent draft of the National Energy Policy (NEP) issued by the government’s policy thinktank NITI Aayog.
India currently reports 99.4% electrification, yet there are 304 million people who still lack access to electricity according to the recent draft of the National Energy Policy (NEP) issued by the government’s policy think tank NITI Aayog…

India energy future needs to be less ad hoc, more distributed

Arunabha Ghosh, the CEO of leading research institute Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), lays out a vision for how to build an inclusive, resilient, sustainable energy future in India that leaves no one behind
India that leaves no one behind In a discussion with Power for All, the co-author of the recently published Energizing India: Towards a Resilient and Equitable Energy System, says that India needs to fully recognize that energy is bigger than just an infrastructure issue, but one of development that can stunt India’s growth unless addressed correctly by ensuring financial and environmental sustainability…

New $50 million energy access growth fund announced by Shell Fdn, FMO

Shell Foundation and Dutch development bank FMO have announced a new growth fund for energy access businesses in India and Africa, with the aim of deploying $50 million and being operational in Q1 2018.
India and Africa, with the aim of deploying $50 million and being operational in Q1 2018…

Thoughts on quality electricity access in rural Jharkhand

Jharkhand is one of the most diverse states in India with 32 recognized indigenous tribes accounting for more than 26% of the state’s population. The village of Kantasola is inhabited by one such tribe, the Santhals, known for their art, handicrafts, bow and arrow skills and, spot-clean villages and houses.
India with 32 recognized indigenous tribes accounting for more than 26% of the state’s population…

“Green Fund” needed to unlock finance and achieve India's clean energy goals

Momentum is building as India moves towards meeting its clean energy targets. Recognizing the tremendous growth potential and opportunity to overhaul India’s energy sector, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy convened policymakers, investors and key clean energy stakeholders at the World Renewable Energy Technology Congress in New Delhi this week to focus on accelerating the market and achieving India’s goals of installing 175 gigawatts (GW) of renewable power by 2022.
Momentum is building as India moves towards meeting its clean energy targets. India’s energy sector, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy convened policymakers, investors and key clean energy stakeholders at the World Renewable Energy Technology Congress in New Delhi this week to focus on accelerating the market and achieving India’s goals of installing 175 gigawatts (GW) of renewable power by 2022…

5 Concrete Steps for India to Achieve Universal Electricity Access

India’s government has set 2022 as the target for providing 24x7 electricity to all of its people, including the roughly 300 million who lack any access to power. A lot of progress has been made, but a program associate at leading Indian policy research institute CEEW has outlined 5 concrete steps that should be taken to assure the ambitious goal is met.
India’s government has set 2022 as the target for providing 24x7 electricity to all of its people, including the roughly 300 million who lack any access to power…