Sierra Leone Energy Revolution Picks up Pace

Innovative financing proposals and local media support for energy access were the outcomes of two workshops held in Sierra Leone to propel the Energy Revolution. At the events, Power for All brought together stakeholders to drive engagement and collaboration in support of the country’s efforts to help families and businesses gain energy access.
Sierra Leone to propel the Energy Revolution. Sierra Leone, on the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy Kevin Johnston, Renewable Energy Advisor at PRESSD, on the organisation’s schools campaigns which are enabling communities to buy clean, solar power Robin Mansaray, Director of Renewables at the Ministry of Energy, on the government’s work to accelerate energy access by including decentralized renewables into the energy mix A second workshop brought together representatives from all commercial banks and micro-finance institutions in the country, officials from the government and members of the Renewable Energy Association of Sierra Leone, as well as international investors Sunfunder, the UK Department for International Development, the World Bank and the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association, who gave presentations on best practices in raising finance for the sector from around the world…

Sierra Leone Launches Energy Revolution

President Ernest Bai Koroma opened Sierra Leone’s first-ever national conference on decentralized renewable energy yesterday, pledging energy access for all of the country’s seven million people in less than a decade. The goal, with a focus on household solar solutions, is part of the government’s post-Ebola recovery plan. Currently less than 12 percent of people in urban areas have access to modern energy, around one percent in rural regions.
Sierra Leone’s first-ever national conference on decentralized renewable energy yesterday, pledging energy access for all of the country’s seven million people in less than a decade…

Workshop: Sierra Leone Compact and Energy Revolution

On Thursday 28 July, Power for All Sierra Leone held a successful workshop to further familiarize government officials with the Sierra Leone compact and Energy Revolution targets and activities, and build awareness of the decentralized renewable sector. The workshop particularly focussed on the actions and ownership needed to streamline the importation of solar products, a key part of the country’s plans to catalyse the decentralized solar market and increase access to energy services.
Sierra Leone held a successful workshop to further familiarize government officials with the Sierra Leone compact and Energy Revolution targets and activities, and build awareness of the decentralized renewable sector…

Sierra Leone Case Study: Market Activation

In 2016, Power for All in partnership with the Sierra Leone government launched a market-based Energy Revolution which identified and removed barriers to growing the decentralized renewable energy sector and led to significant impacts.

Meet the Unsung Heroes: Women at the forefront of scaling energy access

Women can and do play a critical role in scaling energy access due to their local knowledge and leadership. Power for All is taking action by sharing profiles of exceptional women who are at the forefront of scaling energy access, yet are unknown to the outside world. From Sierra Leone, Nepal to Haiti, meet 21 women making a difference

EnergyAccessX: Driving the New Energy Future

What a month! From the focus on energy at the African Development Bank (AfDB) Annual Meetings, detailed sessions at the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) Conference, new initiatives such as the Sierra Leone Energy Revolution and much more, the past few weeks have provided an unprecedented opportunity to put forward a compelling new vision for universal electrification. None more so than EnergyAccessX, the first-ever Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) parallel program on decentralized solutions. Our June newsletter kicks off with an update from the high profile event.

21 women in energy access you should know about

Women can and do play a critical role in scaling energy access due to their local knowledge and leadership. Power for All is taking action by sharing profiles of exceptional women who are at the forefront of scaling energy access, yet are unknown to the outside world. From Sierra Leone, Nepal to Haiti, meet 21 women making a difference.

In Conversation with... Minister Henry Macauley

On 10 May, Sierra Leone launched a pioneering energy revolution to get 250,000 solar lighting and energy products to households and businesses in the country by the end of 2017, and achieve modern energy for all by 2025.

Webinar: What's ahead for decentralized renewables?

In this webinar, hosted by the Clean Energy Solutions Center, we join forces with REN21 to profile key findings of the 2016 Global Status Report, share updates on the Power for All campaign, and answer questions on the Sierra Leone Energy Revolution, Energy Africa compacts and more.

Sierra Leone Call to Action

Power for All worked with REASL to develop Sierra Leone’s first-ever recommendations from a renewable energy industry association, following a series of workshops focused on developing REASL’s governance structure, strategy and plans.